Saturday, May 4, 2013

Final Piece - Reflections

After the final presentations of our piece, "Zwischenkoerper", I would like to make a few reflections.

Positive Notes:
- I feel like our biggest improvement between the April 29th performance and the later performances was getting the pillows to reliably communicate to the base station all at the same time. Once we accomplished this, it was much easier for the audience to figure out how the pillows related to the visualization on the projection screen.
- Andrea did a very good job each and every time with the choreography and interacting with all the various elements of our system.
- We got all three pillows to communicate!! I had my doubts, but we were able to pull it off. Thanks to Catherine and Thomas for putting in extra long hours to get them all to work.
- The Kinect worked like a charm. We never had to update the code or change anything about the motion capture system after our initial successful implementation.

Negative Notes:
- The interaction with the pillows was still much more coarse than we had originally imagined. We wanted very particular interactions to show on the screen from particular sensors on the pillows. It turned out that the best we could do is: small pillow shows up when rotated, medium pillow shows up when thrown around on the ground, and large pillow shows up when crushed or laid upon.
- I wish we would have had the growing and shrinking visualization for Andrea in the final show. I think that it would have made for a more interactive aspect in regard to Andrea.
- It would have been cool for the audience to be able to interact with the pillows while Andrea was dancing. As it was, our piece lacked the audience interaction we were originally aiming for.

I feel very proud of our team and of our final project. It turned out way better than I imagined it would, and I feel like the system we created was both fun for Andrea to work with and fun for the audience to watch. Once again, the talents of our multidisciplinary team were put to good use to create a fascinating result.

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